7017 The description for Event ID ( %2 ) in Source ( %1 ) could not be found. It contains the following insertion string(s):
7018 N/A
7500 Forcing %1 to close %2 may result in loss of data. Do you want to continue?
7501 Forcing all files on %1 to close may result in loss of data. Do you want to continue?
7502 The user %1 has opened this resource for %2.\n\nAre you sure you want to close %3?
7503 Some of the users have resources open for %1, closing these open resources may result in loss of data.\n\nAre you sure you want to close all open resources?
7504 The event log record is misformed.
9005 You may not be able to browse all of the domains to which you have access because the following error occurred: %1
9007 This global group is in a domain which is not in the list of trusted domains. Have more trusted domains been added while new users were being selected?
9011 All Users
9013 Users accessing this object remotely
9015 Users accessing this object locally
9017 The user who creates this object
9018 The operating system
9019 All authenticated users
9020 Unable to browse the selected domain because the following error occurred: %1
9021 The account %1 could not be found.
9022 Working...
9025 Add User
9026 Add Users
9027 Add Group
9028 Add Groups
9029 Add Users and Groups
9030 Add User or Group
9035 All user accounts in a domain belong to its Domain Users global group. This membership list cannot be displayed.
9040 The account %1 is a user account. The application will not accept user accounts.
9041 The account %1 is a global group account. The application will not accept global group accounts.
9042 The account %1 is a local group account. The application will not accept local group accounts.
9043 The account %1 is a well known group account. The application will not accept well known group accounts.
9044 The Workstation service or the Browser service has not been started.
11001 No Access
11002 Read
11003 Change
11004 Full Control
11005 &Read (R)
11006 &Write (W)
11007 &Create (C)
11008 E&xecute (X)
11009 &Delete (D)
11010 Change A&ttributes (T)
11011 Change &Permissions (P)
11013 &Read
11014 &Write
11016 &Write
11017 &Delete
11018 Change &Permissions
11041 &File
11042 D&irectory
11043 %1 Files selected
11044 %1 Directories selected
11045 :
11046 File Permissions (LAN Manager 2.x)
11047 File Auditing (LAN Manager 2.x)
11048 Special Access...
11049 Directory Permissions (LAN Manager 2.x)
11050 Directory Auditing (LAN Manager 2.x)
11051 R&eplace Permissions on Files/Subdirectories
11053 R&eplace Auditing on Files/Subdirectories
11055 Special Directory Access...
11060 Replace Permissions on Existing &Files
11061 Replace Auditing on Existing &Files
11062 %1 Permissions
11063 %1 Auditing
11064 R&eplace Permissions on Subdirectories
11066 R&eplace Auditing on Subdirectories
11068 Special Access...
11069 Special Directory Access...
11070 Special File Access...
11071 You can view security information only for objects of the same type. Select only files or select only directories.
11072 You do not have permission to view the security information for %1 but you may have permission to change it. Do you want to try overwriting the current security information for all of the selected items?
11073 winfile.hlp
11075 Add
11080 Special Access
11081 Do you want to replace the security information on all existing subdirectories within %1?
11082 (Not Specified)
11083 (None)
11084 (All)
11085 (Non-Standard)
11086 %1
11087 &Close
11088 You have denied everyone access to %1. Nobody will be able to access %1 and only the owner will be able to change the permissions.\n\nDo you wish to continue?
11089 Applying Security Information...
11090 The following error occurred applying security information to %2:\n\n %1\nDo you wish to continue?
11091 Unable to set the focus on your logged on domain %1 because the following error occurred:\n\n%2\nFocus will be set to the local machine.
11092 The security information cannot be displayed because it is different between %2 and %1. Do you wish to reset the security information on all the selected items?
11093 The current Audit Policy does not have auditing turned on. Ask an Administrator to use User Manager to turn on auditing.
11094 The permissions for the selected group or user cannot be displayed because they do not correspond to standard NTFS permissions. You can remove the permissions or replace them with standard NTFS permissions.
11095 The following error occurred attempting to read the Directory %2:\n\n %1\nDo you wish to continue?
11102 %1 %2 selected
11103 %1 Name:
11104 Unable to retrieve
11105 files/directories
11106 You do not have permission to view the current owner but you may have permission to change it. Do you want to try overwriting the current owner?
11107 This volume is not an Windows NT File System (NTFS) volume. You can only set the owner on NTFS volumes.
11108 Ownership was not successfully taken on all of the files/directories. Error %2 occurred: %3
11109 One or more of the items selected is a directory. Do you want to take ownership of all the files and subdirectories contained in the selected directories?
11110 You do not have permission to Read the contents of directory %1. Do you want to replace the directory permissions with permissions granting you Full Control?\n\nAll permissions will be replaced if you press Yes.
11111 Unable to take ownership because the account "%1" could not be accessed on the remote machine due to the following error: %2
11112 The account could not be found.
11118 The User/Group %1 no longer exists on this server. Do you want to continue writing the permissions on this resource without %1?
11119 This volume is not an Windows NT File System (NTFS) volume. You can only set permissions and auditing information on NTFS volumes and LAN Manager 2.x user-level servers.
11120 No files or directories are selected. Select a file or directory and retry the operation.
11121 You have exceeded the operating system's limit on the number of users and groups that can be in a security information structure. Remove some users or groups and try the operation again.
11201 &Read (R)
11202 &Write (W)
11203 E&xecute (X)
11204 Generic &All (A)
11205 &Delete (D)
11207 Change &Permissions (P)
11208 Take &Ownership (O)
11210 No Access
11211 Read
11212 Change
11213 Full Control
11216 &Read (R)
11217 &Write (W)
11218 E&xecute (X)
11219 Generic &All (A)
11220 &Delete (D)
11222 Change &Permissions (P)
11223 Take &Ownership (O)
11230 No Access
11231 List
11232 Read
11233 Add
11234 Add & Read
11235 Change
11236 Full Control
11241 &Read (R)
11242 &Write (W)
11243 E&xecute (X)
11244 Generic &All (A)
11245 &Delete (D)
11247 Change &Permissions (P)
11248 Take &Ownership (O)
11260 &Read
11261 &Write
11262 E&xecute
11263 &Delete
11264 Change &Permissions
11265 Take &Ownership
11266 &Read
11267 &Write
11268 E&xecute
11269 &Delete
11270 Change &Permissions
11271 Take &Ownership
11401 The security information for %1 is not standard and cannot be displayed. Windows NT 3.x and 4.x support certain features such as Deny Access Control Entries but cannot edit security information which uses these features. The information may have been modified by a computer running Windows NT 5.0, which supports these features and can edit information which uses them.\n\nYou do not have permission to change the security information for this resource.
11402 The security information for %1 is not standard and cannot be displayed. Windows NT 3.x and 4.x support certain features such as Deny Access Control Entries but cannot edit security information which uses these features. The information may have been modified by a computer running Windows NT 5.0, which supports these features and can edit information which uses them.\n\nDo you want to overwrite the current security information?
11403 You do not have permission to view the current security information for %1 but you may have permission to change it. Do you want to try overwriting the current security information?
11404 No access permissions are explicitly assigned to %1, and so it inherits permissions from %2. Do you want to assign permissions to %1 explicitly?
11405 No permissions are explicitly assigned to %1 and it does not inherit permissions. Only administrators can access %1. Do you want to assign access permissions to %1 to allow other users to access it?
11406 You only have permission to view the current security information on %1.
11407 This is a share-level server. You can only set permissions and auditing information on Windows NT File System (NTFS) volumes and LAN Manager 2.x user-level servers.
16900 Account Unknown
16901 Account Deleted
16902 This system has no network adapters.
16903 Error
16910 Configuration Manager: The operation completed successfully.
16911 Configuration Manager: 0x1
16912 Configuration Manager: Not enough memory is available to process this command.
16913 Configuration Manager: A required pointer parameter is invalid.
16914 Configuration Manager: The ulFlags parameter specified is invalid for this operation.
16915 Configuration Manager: The device instance handle parameter is not valid.
16916 Configuration Manager: The supplied resource descriptor parameter is invalid.
16917 Configuration Manager: The supplied logical configuration parameter is invalid.
16918 Configuration Manager: 0x8
16919 Configuration Manager: 0x9
16920 Configuration Manager: 0xA
16921 Configuration Manager: The RESOURCEID parameter does not contain a valid RESOURCEID.
16922 Configuration Manager: 0xC
16923 Configuration Manager: The specified device instance handle does not correspond to a present device.
16924 Configuration Manager: There are no more logical configurations available.
16925 Configuration Manager: There are no more resource descriptions available.
16926 Configuration Manager: This device instance already exists.
16927 Configuration Manager: The supplied range list parameter is invalid.
16928 Configuration Manager: 0x12
16929 Configuration Manager: A general internal error occured.
16930 Configuration Manager: 0x14
16931 Configuration Manager: The device is disabled for this configuration.
16932 Configuration Manager: 0x16
16933 Configuration Manager: A service or application refused to allow removal of this device.
16934 Configuration Manager: 0x18
16935 Configuration Manager: 0x19
16936 Configuration Manager: An output parameter was too small to hold all the data available.
16937 Configuration Manager: 0x1B
16938 Configuration Manager: 0x1C
16939 Configuration Manager: A required entry in the registry is missing or an attempt to write to the registry failed.
16940 Configuration Manager: The specified Device ID is not a valid Device ID.
16941 Configuration Manager: One or more parameters were invalid.
16942 Configuration Manager: 0x20
16943 Configuration Manager: 0x21
16944 Configuration Manager: 0x22
16945 Configuration Manager: There are no more hardware profiles available.
16946 Configuration Manager: 0x24
16947 Configuration Manager: The specified value does not exist in the registry.
16948 Configuration Manager: 0x26
16949 Configuration Manager: The specified priority is invalid for this operation.
16950 Configuration Manager: This device cannot be disabled.
16951 Configuration Manager: 0x29
16952 Configuration Manager: 0x2A
16953 Configuration Manager: 0x2B
16954 Configuration Manager: This routine is not implemented in this version of the operating system.
16955 Configuration Manager: The specified property type is invalid for this operation.
16956 Configuration Manager: The specified key does not exist in the registry.
16957 Configuration Manager: The specified machine name does not meet the UNC naming conventions.
16958 Configuration Manager: A general remote communication error occured.
16959 Configuration Manager: The machine selected for remote communication is not available at this time.
16960 Configuration Manager: The Plug and Play service is not available.